Thursday, May 22, 2014

Confessions of a Skinny Girl

I read this on Facebook today:

Status: I don't understand it, but I get jealous of any girl that is prettier and skinnier than me.
Comment: You may only see the outward appearances of those girls and think they have it all, but what you've got is very special set of gifts that they don't have - step out with that great smile of yours and rock on, girl!

Uhm, what?

So, you are telling me that if I am pretty that I am only pretty on the outside? That if I am skinny I can't be smart or nice or any other positive attribute?

Well, this is news to me.

This blog post is to all my skinny girls, who are never allowed to defend themselves because "we're so lucky to be thin." Gag.

*Gasp* *Oh my, Gosh*

How dare I relate myself to being skinny.

I have been wanting to write this blog for awhile about our body bashing culture. No, I am not talking about obese women, but rather the body bashing of skinny girls.

The culture where it is okay to say that being skinny is unrealistic. That skinny isn't beautiful.

The culture where it is okay to be told to "Go eat." But, I could never tell someone to "Eat less."

The culture where people talk about women's "unrealistic" bodies in magazines and the media, and I am never allowed to say, "Hey, I look like that, so it IS realistic." That would make me conceited.

A culture where people can refer to me as the "skinny girl" but I can never refer to them as the "fat girl."

A culture where people will tell a skinny girl they don't want to stand next to you in a picture because you "make them look bad."

A culture where skinny girls feel like they have to wear loose fitting clothes because others will comment on their body, and my favorite is when they are referred to as a "slut."

A culture where people can exaggerate all the time about a skinny girls weight: "Oh, but you're like 2 pounds." (Thank you for telling me I weigh the size of a Chipotle burrito). But I could never tell someone, "Oh, you're like 1,000 pounds."

A culture where ads are being directed against thin women. In Dove's "Real Beauty" campaigns, there are no extremely skinny girls. So what are they trying to say to us? I must not be "real beauty." Hmm, thanks. 

A culture where if you eat healthy or work out, people will ask, "Why do you do that? You don't need to." Uhm, sorry for being healthy. But when a larger person does this they are praised, "Good for you for taking care of yourself."

Not fair.

When I googled "Confessions of a Skinny Girl" and "Confessions of a Fat Girl" the amount of blogs and sites of the latter easily outnumbered the skinny girl confessions. Why? Because the moment you relate yourself to being thin, you're arrogant. But if you identify yourself as fat, you're a hero.

The worst part about this? Some of us truly can't help being skinny, and many of us work hard to be healthy in order to have a thin body. 

Why is skinny not allowed to be beautiful?

I'm not advocating that skinny girls should bash back. I just hope that people realize that even though we may be smaller than the average woman, it doesn't make us less of a person.

It's okay for skinny girls to feel beautiful, too.

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