Friday, June 13, 2014

Lessons I learned from my Daddy

In honor of Father's Day, I'm going to share the five best lessons I have learned from my daddy. I had quite a long list of lessons he has taught me that would be worth sharing, but these were the five that have impacted my life the most. 

You will be smarter than many people, and it will frustrate you


Ever since I can remember, my dad warned me that there are dumb people in the world. And I would just shake my head and think "Dad, you are so cynical." 

But, like usual, he is right. It's not a matter of intelligence or not, but some people are hesitant to take advice, receive help or learn something new from a 20-something.

And my dad told me when I come across these people to not get frustrated, but rather show them your abilities in every way possible, until they see your talents.

Little gestures mean the most


My dad mows my grandmother's grass twice a week. Why? Because he can. He checks her car monthly to make sure it is running and will occasionally fill her tank. Every time he goes to visit her for dinner he brings a bottle of wine.

Now if he did not do these things for her she would love him just the same. But instead of spending time on himself, he always makes sure to spend most of his time on others.

Never say no to ice cream


This is just common sense to me now. Because who ever says no to ice cream? But I have realized a lot of people do.

Whenever I am in the mood for some Mr. Freeze the first person I ask if my dad. Why? Because he will never say no.

Even if he only eats two bites, we always go on our ice cream dates. But you don't fool me, dad. I know you just say yes to hang out with your busy 21-year-old that's too cool for you, instead of the decedent desserts. 

Friends are the family you get to choose 


My dad taught me that friends are the absolute most important thing in your life. Because your not stuck together by blood, but rather you picked each other.

Every Christmas Eve my dad goes to a party with his friends, because your supposed to spend the holidays with your family and loved ones, and his friends are those people to him. Just like my friends are those people to me.

Work for what you want 


This started all when I wanted a puppy.

My dad said, "Convince me." So I wrote a three page long paper about why we needed a puppy.

So we got a puppy.

My dad still makes me do this. And whenever I can't think of a good enough argument to have something in my life, well then I don't really need it, do I?

 Happy Father's Day, daddy. I love you, man.

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