Thursday, April 17, 2014

My day preparing for the Scandal finale

8:30 AM - Put on my most Olivia Pope looking outfit for work. Skinny pants, a kick a** blazer, and high heels. Check.

8:45 AM - Get the most decadent cup off of coffee, from my coffee maker, because, well, I'm a poor college girl.

9:00 AM - Arrive at work and heads turn at my awesome outfit, perfect hair, and flawless make up. Oh wait, everyone is just staring because I have toilet paper on my shoe. Can't you all tell I'm trying to be Olivia Pope!

9:17 AM - Send a mass text to all my Gladiators to make sure they will be coming over for the show at 9:50 PM  (so we have time to open our wine).

11:36 AM - Go to class and look at all the tweets Kerry Washington and ScandalABC have tweeted thus far.

12:00 PM - Skip lunch, because I am way to busy. Does Olivia Pope ever eat...?

3:43 PM - Check twitter again, I can't miss anything going on.

4:12 PM - Realize that Shonda Rhimes is going to be on Jimmy Kimmel after the show. Cha ching!

5:17 PM - Stop by the liquor store and buy five bottles of red wine. I mean, you never know how much you'll need.

5:43 PM - Arrive home, pour a glass of red wine. What it was a long day and it's past 5!

5:47 PM - Check twitter again, click every link related to Scandal.

6:24 PM - Roommate is home! Force her to brainstorm while eating dinner about what you think is going to happen. Will Sally Langston die? What about Papa Pope?

8:58 PM - Finish the roomie conversation just in time to turn on Grey's Anatomy, hopefully this will distract from the excitement.

9:34 PM - Friends start to arrive for the Scandal party, oh and they bought their own wine. Good. But tell them to quickly shut up so you don't miss Grey's.

9:59 PM - Start tearing up knowing the shows about to start. OH MY GOSH. Need more wine!!!

10:00 PM - AHHHHHHH!@(*(#@#)

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