Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Anthony Wayne Community is a Blessing

Anthony Wayne may just be a small area in Northwest Ohio, consisting of a few thousand people and whole lot of corn. But for the people who were lucky enough to grow up in that corn, we know how truly blessed we were.

Anthony Wayne has seen cancer. We have seen tragedy. And we have seen the deaths of many that are too young to go. But most importantly Anthony Wayne has seen strength. We have seen support. We have seen what it is to be a community.

Not many students are able to go back to their high school years after graduation and the teachers still know their names. Not many people can go to the local Kroger and see at least three people they know that stop to chat. When graduation approaches we all seem so ready to leave, but so many of us can’t help but stay.  

Anthony Wayne has brought in Scott Disick to grant the wish of a terminally ill mother in the community. We have prayed and supported others who have or are sick. We throw benefits and walks and donations for our former classmates to help with medical bills.

We have walked in the Race with a Cure with our principle when she was battling breast cancer. And whenever there has been a tragedy within our community, the amount of grief and despair that each of us feel is unbearable.

I feel blessed.

I am blessed to know that if anything were to happen to myself or to one of my loved ones, that the thousands of people  from Anthony Wayne would have my back.

I am blessed that I found every single one of my best friends in the halls of Anthony Wayne High School, and I am still friends with all of them to this day.

I am blessed that if I ever needed a favor, a prayer, or a shoulder to cry on, I could get on my Facebook and one of my classmates would be there to help.

I am blessed that growing up in a small town in the middle of Ohio means that I have grown up among some of the most beautiful and wonderful people I will ever meet.

There are many of you who probably graduated from this school and don’t feel the same way. But I can assure you that this community is here for every single one of you.

God Bless you Anthony Wayne. We will always be strong.


  1. I miss everyone from the class of 2000 that I went to school with at Water ville Elementary off River Red. I still keep in contact with a lot of my old friends to this day!!

  2. Very well written and very true. I remember how the community came out to support my friend Jesse Torrence when he was desperately in need of our help.

  3. We had alot of our friends pass away but what a community that helps out at any cost no matter what!! I love Waterville and Anthony Wayne!!

  4. My mom recently was injured and is now blind in her right eye. I thought it was just a family thing, but everywhere I go, somebody knows about it and asks how she's been. She's been doing really well. I'm very proud to tell people that. And their just as happy to hear it.

  5. Ever grateful to our fabulous Anthony Wayne community. You got heart! Miss you all.
