Friday, January 31, 2014

Making Memories: NYC Day 3

With only one full day left in NYC, we were determined to do everything! The morning started off with a bus trip to SOHO to eat at the first pizza shop "Lombardi's" and got to see the Empire State building.

The Empire State building. 
We also visited St. Patrick's Cathedral.
St. Patrick's Cathedral. 

After lunch, we went to ground zero, where we saw the new memorial. The names of all the people who died that day were carved in the memorial, and one had a beautiful white rose next to it. It was beautiful.
9/11 memorial. 
Full of ambition, we then boarded a ferry to see the Statue of Liberty.... during a blizzard. 
Debbie and Tweeterz in the storm, getting a picture with the statue. Crazy ladies. 

When the ferry arrived back to the city, we got on a the subway and headed to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where Gramma and I went inside and saw some of our favorite paintings. 

Tweeterz and I sitting on the MET steps like Blair and Serena. 

Gma in the MET posing with a painting that can be seen in the game "Masterpiece" that we played when I was a child.
After the MET, we headed back to the hotel to go to the "View," which is a spinning restaurant on top of a hotel that allows to see all of NYC. 
Moms and daughters at the "View."
After some drinks at the "View" and then at an Irish pub, Tweeterz decided she needs a NYC hotdog from the stand. 

After a long day, we all went back to the hotel, where we would be waking up early to head to the airport the next morning. Thanks Mama for such a memorable trip!

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