Thursday, January 30, 2014

Making Memories: NYC Day 2

After a tiring first day in NYC, we were all ready for day two!

We all woke up bright and early to so to the show Live with Kelly and Michael, with guest host Anderson Cooper (He's cute!!). Kelly was a bubbly delight, and the taping of the show was full of high energy.

After Live with Kelly and Michael, we headed to the Katie Couric show, which did a segment on how bad sugar is for you. Safe to say it ruined sweets for me. We then headed to a small French bistro for lunch and then to the Metropolitan Opera for Gramma.

We then walked through Central Park and then headed back to the hotel, where we call dosed off for a quick nap before heading to dinner and Broadway!

We ate dinner at a small Irish pub, where Gramma ordered a Busch Mill (surprise, surprise). My mother and I both have been to Broadway, but Gramma, Tweeterz, and Debbie were first timers. We went and saw the musical "The Bridges of Madison County."
Tweeterz and me at Live with Kelly and Michael.

Tweeterz and me in Central Park.
Mother and me at dinner at the Irish Pub. 
Gramma and me on Broadway waiting for "Bridges of Madison County" to start!
To see what we did on our first day, click here! Day 1 in NYC

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