Friday, March 28, 2014

21 things I am more worried about than getting engaged at 21

I think every little girl at some point in her life dreams of her wedding day. As I get older, the more the thought of it, honestly, freaks me out. Love is awesome. Marriage is awesome. But frankly, before any of that happens, I have a lot of growing up to do...

1. I own a snuggie - and yes, I use it, and yes, it is Harry Potter. Awesome. It makes me look like a wizard.

2. Pizza is my diet - I honestly don't feel like I have a choice about this. It's just so good.

3. My career is currently a hostess - I don't think my $200 dollar pay checks will be able to pay for my Vera Wang wedding gown.

4. I have bath toys - I'm not sure if this is even worth explaining...

5. I don't wear jewelry - no, this is not a choice. I literally lose every single piece I own. The earrings my mom got me, the necklace & ring my dad got me, the necklace from my boyfriend. They are all gone. An engagement ring gives me anxiety. Too much responsibility. 

6. My drink of choice is Natty or boxed wine - my mother is more disappointed in this than she was when I took a semester off school.

7. My room looks like this - I don't want to clean it, K!!!

8. I sing Miley Cyrus in the shower - not like my current idol Miley, but back-in-the-day-Hannah-Montana Miley

9. I take a public bus to work - I'm not a big enough loser that I don't have a car, but I am a loser in the fact I can't afford parking downtown

10. Cookie dough is my after school snack - if you don't do this, are you honestly happy with your life?

11. I talk in different accents - I use my baby voice to get what I want. Lately, I have been channeling my inner Russian, her name is Anastasia, my roommate loves her.

12. Saturday's are not for football, they are for HGTV - I don't care that I go to THE Ohio State University and every other kid is watching the game, Love it or List it is on!!!

13. I'm spontaneous - in the last three years I have lived in Toledo, Oxford, and Columbus, Ohio and Florida. Who really knows where I will end up.

14. I binge watch questionable things on Netflix - maybe I watched all of Dawson's Creek, maybe I didn't.

15. I call myself Kitty - I really don't know why.

16. I'm convinced I am a Kardashian - why else would my name start with a K...?

17. I don't know how to do laundry - every load is set on cold. Does is actually matter?

18. I sleep with a stuffed animal - I have Simba for when I go home and CJ the dog for when I'm at school. Judge me, I don't care.

19. The Justin Bieber CD is what I listen to in my car - HE IS TALENTED!

20. I can't keep a plant alive - every year I tell myself I need an herb garden for cooking, and every year it dies. If I can't keep a plant alive, how am I supposed to keep a marriage alive? Ugh, my anxiety is kicking in again.

21. My bank account is a whopping $60 - but on Monday I get paid for Hostessing so it'll be at $260! (GO ME) But still, I don't think I can afford a wedding with that.

My. Life. Is. Awesome. No, it seriously is though. But, right now I need to focus a little more on maturing before some poor soul decides to commit to this mess of a woman.

Love stories are my favorite. I have read all of Nicholas Sparks' novels (I should have put that on the list). So if you are young and engaged, congrats! It's just simply not for me yet.

I do have a boyfriend, and he was very helpful making this list of my immature habits. Sorry you have to deal with this! Also, mad props to my roommate for living with me.

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