Monday, December 2, 2013

Who you should be Buying Gifts for this Christmas

The Christmas season is one of happiness, but also can break the bank. So why buy gifts for people that you shouldn't? Below are the rules of who you should be buying for this Christmas season, and how to afford all the gifts on a tight budget. 

Who to Buy Gifts For

Family Members

Always buy gifts for your mother, father, siblings, and grandparents.

Aunts and uncles are optional, depending how often you see them. If you see them once a month, go ahead and get them a gift but do a gift to them as a couple rather than individual gifts.

Do not get gifts for your cousins, unless you consider them your friends, see the rules in the friends category.

Stepparents and step-siblings are questionable. Ask your biological parent on their advice for this situation.


The Golden Rule: If you talk to them once a week, get them a gift.

If you have friends at work, only get them a gift if you hang out with them outside of work.

Other friends, classmates, and cousins follow The Golden Rule.

Get your roommate a gift, even if it is just cleaning the bathroom for them.

Check out my other blog post to see if you should get your boyfriend or girlfriend a gift: The Holiday Questions


You should get your significant other’s mother and father a gift. Wine is an easy go to that everybody loves.

Do not bother getting your significant other’s siblings gifts, unless they are your friend and follow The Golden Rule. If their sibling is under 10 years old, or if they have nieces and nephews under 10 years old, then get them a gift.

Do not get your boss, professor, or any other authority figure a present, unless everyone else in your class or work is. If everyone does want to get them a gift, maybe suggest getting a large gift from everyone.

Do not get your parents boyfriend or girlfriend a gift, unless they live with your parent. Wait until your parent and he or she is married before you consider getting them a gift.

How do I afford all of these gifts?

DIY will be your best friend this Christmas. I plan on making all my friends and family decorated coffee mugs because who doesn’t need coffee mugs? Hop on Pinterest and you will find a plethora of easy and cheap gift ideas you can make. Do not worry if you aren’t crafty, they have something for everyone.

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