Friday, November 8, 2013

The Holiday Questions

With Thanksgiving and Christmas approaching, talking about the Holidays is approaching, too. Are we serious enough to get each other presents or not? Do I take him to Christmas Eve dinner with my family? Do we buy people presents together? The Holidays are stressful as it is, so why worry about your relationship on top of it all?

Holiday Rules 

Gifts for each other

Have you established you are exclusive?

If you two are not exclusive, then no gifts. Don’t waste money on someone that is not committed to you exclusively.

Did you just become exclusive?

If within the last month you started dating, I would not get a gift for the new boyfriend. But just in case ask him if that’s what he’s thinking. Just go on a nice date instead, you’re still getting to know each other

Have you been exclusive for over a month?

Depending on how long you have been together is what will determine the amount of money to spend. Talk to your significant other about a limit and go from there. Over 50 dollars might be too much, just because you both are in college money is limited.

Attendance at Holiday Parties

Only take your significant other to your holiday party if you want your family to meet him, and if you think he can handle meeting your family. And if you invite him to join your parties, it might be a red flag if he doesn’t invite you to come to his family parties.

Gift Giving to Others 

Do not sign your presents from you and your significant other unless you are living together or engaged or married. At the age of 20, gifts to your parents, grandparents, siblings, and friends should be given from just you, not you and your significant other.

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