Saturday, November 23, 2013

10 Things Every College Student is Thankful For

1. Ramen Noodles

Breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Only 25 cents a piece. What more can we ask for?

2. Winter Break

Three weeks of doing nothing. No stress. No classes. Exams are over. Christmas is a plus.

3. Netflix

Literally. You need nothing else in your life but this.

4. Headphones

Without these, your walks to class are miserable.

5. Social Media

What we actually do in class. I mean, what better way to not pay attention to your professor?

6. Bus systems

Cutting out walking to classes is as good as it gets.

7. Freshman friends

Having these people in your life to get you dining hall food is ideal.

8. Free stuff

Free anything. Free beer. Free shirts. Free food. Give us it all.

9. Yoga pants

What other item of clothing can girls where to class, to bed, and to work out?

10. Coffee

A life saver. The only reason we can get out of our beds.

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