Saturday, December 28, 2013

How to Create Realistic New Years Resolutions

As the New Year approaches, our minds wonder to the possibilities that 2014 holds. Or maybe wishing that 2013 wasn’t going to end.

Our minds also begin to think of our resolutions for the upcoming year, but who really successfully completes all of their New Years resolutions? I can’t say that I ever have….

Here are some tips on how to create realistic resolutions, that won’t leave you disappointed at the end of the year.

Be specific

If one of your resolutions is to be healthier, think about how you can do that. Maybe decide to work out three times a week, or only eat out once a week.

Generic statements won’t help you accomplish your goals, because you don’t have anything specific. So think of the biggest goal you want to achieve this year, then create the steps that will help you reach that goal.

Be realistic

If you want to work out every day, is that possible with you 40 hour a week work schedule? Make sure you create goals that you can follow through with, because the moment you get discouraged is when you will give up.

Remember why you are doing your resolution

If you have no real purpose for your resolution, then you have no goal to achieve it. Maybe you want to get in shape because you want to run a marathon, so remember that. Or your saving part of your pay checks to go on vacation because you haven’t been on one in years. The reasons you have your resolutions are what will help you achieve your goals.

Tell people!

The more people you tell your resolutions to, the more you’ll want to commit to them so you don’t disappoint anyone. Also, the people you tell could be a great support system, or even partners in some of your resolutions.

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