Thursday, December 19, 2013

DIY Coffee Mugs

For Christmas I have always had a theme of crafting for my relatives. Shopping for aunts, uncles, and grandparents is hard, but doing a craft will give you a unique gift that you know they wont have.

This year I decided to do coffee mugs. All you need are Oil Based Sharpie Markers (I got mine at Michael's), white coffee mugs (mine are from Walmart), and an oven.

Oil Based Sharpie Marker from Michael's

With this craft you can design whatever you want on your mug. I did a sports theme with mine, but I have also made doodling designs, or quotes. This can all be done free hand; I just googled the designs that I wanted and drew them on the mug. Super easy!

First you use the sharpie to draw on your design, then just pop your mugs in the oven at 350 degrees for 30 minutes, and you'll have mugs like these!

Six mugs from Walmart cost me $20, and buying 7 different Sharpies cost me $25. At the end of the crafting these custom made mugs, it only cost me around $8 each!

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