Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Miley Obsession

I can’t stop talking about her. I can’t stop listening to her music. I can’t stop following her on Twitter and Instagram. I can not get enough of Miley.

Love or hate, everyone seems to know Miley Cyrus. But why is everyone so obsessed?!

We Love Miley

Why Miley should be every 20 year old woman's role model. 

 Uniquely beautiful 

No one else can pull of this haircut and still look stunning. And no one other than Miley has the balls to do it.

We grew up with her 

Since Hannah Montana, to listening to The Seven Things I Hate About You, Miley was part of our childhood. And let’s be honest, we all wanted to be her.

Girl Power 

She encourages girls to be completely themselves. We can’t stop, we won’t stop.


Who else would wear what she wears, say what she says, and do what she does without being totally confident with themselves? It’s our party, we can do what we want to.

Good music

Songs with Britney Spears, Juicy J, Big Sean, French Montana, Future, Ludacris, Nelly, and more. Need I say anything else?

Could be best friends

If you went to high school, she would have been the girl everyone wanted to be friends with. I mean, I know that I wish I could go party with Miley.

Forget the Haters

Why people have been hating on our girl Miley.


Because of Miley’s performances and her style, the label “slut” has been given to her. In her defense, Miley’s current album is about the heartbreak over one boy. Taylor Swift’s albums have been about at least ten different boys. What you wear does not define your actions.

Former Disney Star

Being in the public eye at such a young age made it hard for Miley to break away from the innocent girl image. I know I’m not the same as I was at 15, it’s hard for people to accept that Miley changed, too.

Sexually Expressive 

Miley is not embarrassed to show her body. This makes people uncomfortable to have a once Disney star showing so much skin. But other celebrities do it, too!

 Why Miley is Utterly Brilliant

Everyone knows her

Miley’s publicist must love her because she is always in the media. Miley Cyrus has become a household name and a phenomenon.

Everyone is talking about her 

After her VMA performance with Robin Thicke, who did everyone talk about? Miley.

Miley the Movement

Miley is everywhere. Her clothing inspirations are in stores like Delia’s and Forever 21. She was one of this years biggest Halloween costumes. Miley is the woman.

If you think her clothes are too revealing or her performances are too sexually, her talent can't go unnoticed. We love you Miley!

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